Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the list.

I'm a list maker. I make lists for everything and anything. It doesn't matter the occasion
or purpose. There's nothing like taking a highlighter and crossing things off and seeing the
paper light up pink. Those people that joke about having a list of your "lists" just to keep
track of them, that may or may not be me some days. But my lists keep me in line.
Alright, so maybe they don't 100% or ALL OF THE TIME, but it's a good effort I say!

And even though I've been twenty for almost five months now, I made a "To Do" list if
you will to kind of help and 'spice up my life' a bit throughout this upcoming year. So this
is "Twenty Things To Do While I'm 20!" (It's real original... I know)  Have a looksie:

Take a class on something I've never done before.
Go without TV and a computer for one day.
Start and finish a craft or project.
Buy flowers for someone.
Learn a new/different type of dance.
Go stargazing.
Have a movie marathon.
Go to a concert.
Find a hobby and actually do it.
Learn how to make an authentic dish from a foreign country.
Watch a sunrise.
Ride a roller coaster.
Bear my testimony.
Learn a new language (at least 10 phrases).
Finish an entire puzzle.
Get a sick tan.
Have a picnic... a real picnic.
See encouraging words after my test score at the testing center.
Do something adventurous.
Color an entire coloring book.

Some of them have already been crossed off the list, and others are still in the works.
No worries though, I still have seven months.
It'll be fun :)

1 comment:

  1. I Love the list!!! I want to do some of these with you!!!!!
